SUPER CAMPAIGN AND ADVENTURES by Michael Sachau 1. Introduction The following pages describe my World Background and some adventures. The World Background is a crossover between some of my own ideas and some Marvel stuff. Check out the complete ASCII-File version of the Campaign Section. 2. Credits · Pauli Hakala for his comments on The Super Organization 3. World Background The World is our own with some modifications, which are basically the modifications that are also used in the Marvel Universe. All demigods and mythic gods really exist, except the creator of the universe. All these gods are connected to earht via a Cosmic Axis. There are also a lot of alien races who monitor Earth, because of the supernatural beeings, the Cosmic Axis and a warp nexus in our solar-system. Due to experiments of an alien race called the Celestials in the early days of human-history until today , many people are able to withstand deadly poisons, stress or radiation and build up supernatural powers as a consequence. The technology is more advanced than it is in our own reality, but most of the advances are done in secret. Some people are also doing Magic, or are affected by mystic beeings. It is also possible for normal people to build up in combat or other fields of activity, like Captain America. There exists also an infinite number of dimensions beside our own. These contain other timelines, alien places...Some heroes are able to travel to other dimensions. The dimension Crossroads links all the other dimensions together. Crossroads can be visited, too. This place is a infinite combinations of path, each of them ends in a dimension. 3.1. Technology The Tech Level (TL) is 7. But the Government has reached TL 8, but this is unknown to most of the people. There are also secret starships that may fly at warp speed. Most of the TL8 stuff can be found in GURPS Ultra Tech. 3.2. The Warp Nexus Since it would take very long for alien races to enter our solar- system, there is a Warp Nexus near Mars. A nexus is like a door to another galaxy. 3.3. Power Sources It is always required to give a character an idea of the origin of his powers. Here are some ideas. 3.3.1. MetaGene Some humans have been injected a alien gen by an alien race called the celestials from the beginning of humanity until today, for no obvious reasons. Humans "sporting" a MetaGene may gain super-human abilities when confronted with radiation, poison etc. 3.3.2. Living Metal "Living Metal" is an alien substance that must be injected into the body at the 108 vital areas of body. The result is the Adamantium Bones Advantage and a 10% chance of growing Claws II. The origin of LM is unknown. Deathrow has stolen some from a secret research base but unfortunately he also des