Name: Apocalypse M Real name: unrevealed Appearance: ST 260, DX 14, IQ 16, HT 24/43 Basic Speed 9, Move 9 Dodge 9 Thrust 27d, Swing 29d Attacks 1 DR 15 Flight Speed 576 Laser: SS 12, Acc 1, Max 200, D 20d Advantages: Extra Will +14 Hearing +4 Taste Smell +4 Vision +4 Alertness +3 Molecular Rearrangement: - Flight 2^6 Elongation (Stretching) Regeneration Fast Recovery Teleporation Lvl 20/50miles Energy Blast Lvl 20 - Area Effect Immortality Extra Hits Disadvantages: Vow: Survival of the Fittest Oidous Personal Habits: Mutant Experiments Sadism Skills: Autoteleport 16 Exotelepoart 16 Laser 18 Engineer 16 Mechanic 16 Invention 16 Genetic 16 Biochemistry 16 Chemistry 16 Physiology 16 Leadership 16 Flight 16 Total Cost: 1687