Name: Beast M Realname: Henry McCoy ST 90, DX 20, IQ 16, HT 18/28 Basic Speed: 9.5, Move 9, Dodge 9 Thrust 10d, Swing 12d Attacks 1 Advantages: Willpower +2 Awareness +2 Extra Hits +10 DR 25 Super Climbing Lvl 8 Balance Super Jumping Lvl 9 Eidetic Memory Language Talent +5 Disadvantages: Appearance -10 Uses big words Blathering Tells awful jokes Enemy: Magneto, Apocalypse Code of Chivalry Code of Honor Does not Harm Innocents Skills: Languages (almost all) at 20 Biochemistry 18 Chemistry 19 Botany 19 Climbing 20 Computer Op. 17 Pr. 16 Acrobatics 20 Electronic Op. 17 Electronics 18 Escape 20 Genetics 18 Physiology 18 Martial Arts 20 Total Cost: 933