Name: Breed O Real name: unrevealed, probably N'Nar'Carbalon Appearance: differs ST 300, DX 16, IQ 10, HT 20/40 Basic Speed 9, Move 9 Thrust 31d, Swing 32d Dodge 9 Attacks 1 Advantages: Morph 10 Morph Memory 25 Mimic Super Power 10 Mimic Skill 35 Strong Will +5 Extra Hits DR 29 PD 2 Disadvantages: Appearance in his original form -5 -5 No Pupils -5 Eunuch -10 Giantism -15 Berserker facinated by Earth Skills: Karate 15 Morph 13 Morph Memory 13 Mimic 13 Mimic Skill 13 Background: Breed comes from another dimension, where all people are very strong and resilent and tall. When things got hectic on his dimension, war began and nearly everything was destroyed. People built up mad mutations and powers. This was also the origin of his Morph Powers. The only way to leave the dimension is via the Eternal Tower, which resisted the war, but only members of the Eternal Tower may enter it. So Breed morphed his body to a Eternal Tower Member and left the dimension and travelled to our own dimension. At the moment Breed is working together with Iron Arm as a special agent for the army. Total Cost: 1000