Name: Dreadnought O Real name: unrevealed Appearance: 1355lobs, 6'5", no hair at all, black trousers, shoes and shirt ST 350, DX 10, IQ 12, HT 18/36 Basic Speed 9.5, Move 9 Dodge 10 Thrust Punch thrust +3 Attacks 1 DR 50, 61 crushing Advantages: DR 50 Combat Reflexes Increased Density 11 levels Disadvantges: Lecherous Sadism Skills: Running 20 Brawling 13 Boxing 15 Area Knowledge New York 18 First Aid Drive Car 11 Background: Dreadnought is one of Deathrow's most loyal henchman, because he was the one who introduced Deathrow to the concepts of crime and he acted like a mentor for Deathrow, who originated from another dimension. So as a gift, he was the first to drink the "Improve" chemical (see Black Blade, Battle Cry for more information), giving his strength and resistance. Dreadnought is now the right hand of Deathrow. Total Cost: 751