Name: Mister Sinister M Real name: unrevealed ST 75, DX 16, IQ 18, HT 20/35 Basic Speed 12, Move 12 Dodge 12 Thrust 8d+2, Swing 10d+2 Attacks 2 Advantages Extra Hits 15 (45) DR 10 (30) Telpathy, Power Level 20, 60 Miles (200) Skills: Brawling 17 Boxing 15 Running 29 Psi Sense 4 Emotional Sense 18 Telesend 18 Telereceive 18 Mental Blow 18 Mind Shield 18 Sleep 18 Mindwipe 18 Telecontrol 18 Genetic 18 Physology 18 Physicion 18 Biochemistry 19 Equipment: Power Armor with PD 6, DR 25 giving him DR 35 incl natural DR of 10 Total Cost: 923