Name: Onslaught M Realname: Charles Xavier/Erik Lensherr/Franklin Richards ST 300, DX 16, IQ 24, HT 32/132 Basic Speed: 12, Move 12, Dodge 12 Flight: 12582912 Advantages: Extra Hits 100 PD 4 DR 50 vs all/ DR 75 vs PSI Flight Lvl 20 Will +20 Awareness +14 Telepathy Lvl 30 Psychokinesis Lvl 30 ESP Lvl 20 Teleportation Lvl 30 Sense Super Power Lvl 50 Astral Travel: he may enter astral plane and force others with him (test of will) Reality Alteration Lvl 25 Magnetize Lvl 25 Magnetic Sense Lvl 25 Surge Lvl 25 - Area Affect - Increased Area 100 hexes Internal Dimension: - his interior is a pocket dimension in which he may trap others inside and use their powers (test of will to break free) Disadvantages: Skills: All Scientific at 24 Psionic Powers at 24 Super Powers at 24 Total Cost: 6960