Name: Warmaster O Realname: Claudius, Steve Rifken, real last-name unrevealed Appearance: 7', 360 lbs, light brown skin, long black hair, blue eyes, hide-trunks, leather boots, huge 2handed sword. ST 250, DX 18, IQ 12, HT 18/30 Basic Speed: 12, Move 12, Dodge 13 DR 25, 27 crushing PD 3 Attacks 2, 5 with this longsword Sword +3 thr/impale, +5 swing/cut Advantages: Combat Reflexes Weapon Master Long Sword Enhanced ST Unaging Immunity to Diseases Poisons Density Increase 2 Level DR 25 PD 3 Speed 3 Willpower +4 Disadvantages: Giantism Amnesia: forgot all his TL 8 skills except English Primitive TL 2 Berserker Skills: 2 handed sword 25 Brawling 18 Blacksmith TL3 11 Armoury TL3 13 Languages - Latin TL3 11 - English 12 - Longsword 25 Tracking 11 Tactics 11 Strategy 11 Metallurgy TL3 10 Equipment: 2 handed sword Background: Claudius was born 1078 B/C in a village near Tarent. He was a warrior during the first crusade from 1096 to 1099, during that war he was kiddnapped by some alien lifeforms who did some experimentations on him an brought him back to earth in July of 1099 where he lead the Siege of Jerusalem. He was also a famous Warrior in the second and third crusade until 1192, it was a marvel to his co-combatants that he will not grow older and his superhuman strength and fighting skills. He took place in various other combats (WWI & II and Vietnam), where he renamed him self Steve Rifken Some gases in Vietnam knocked him out and he nearly lost all of his powers and he was taken for prisoner until somewhere near the prison a gamma-ray bomb explosion, he even grew stronger, but makes him lose most of his memory, all his modern weapon skills. He now sports only a hide-trunk, leather boots and a huge 2handed sword, which he smithered. He is now known as the Warmaster. Total Cost: 800