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4. The Super Organization

4.1 Introduction

The next sections introduce some concepts on designing super organizations and agencies. A "Super Organization" is a group of Supers who join together to form a group and operate from a base. An "Agency" is a group of agent like FBI. I choose to use organization for both groups.

4.2 Organization Value (OV)

If you want to design a new organization, it is required how much power/influence this organization has. This is calculated in normal GURPS character points. Each organization starts with 0 CP. In the sections Background , Members and Technology you will find some points cost for options you may select. Just add these up and get the Organization Value.

Crime Buster Organization:

up to 100 OV

International Espionage: Agency:

up to 200 OV

Superspy Agency:

300 OV

Mega Organization:

400 OV and up

Being Member of the Organization

Being a members of the organization costs OV divided by 10 in CP but at least 5 for a character for rank 0, eg if the OV is 50, the membership advantage for this organization will be 5 CP. After that he may buy additional ranks to get a higher position in the organization.


The income is based on rank and OV of the organization with an income of OV*(rank+1)*20 in $ per month.

Being Member of the OrganizationThe Organization as Ally

Use the ally cost on B23 based on OV for the ally's power.

The Organization as Enemy

Same as Ally but the cost are multiplied by -1.

4.3 Organization Background

The first step is the determination of the Organization Background story:


What is the organizations purpose? Taking over the world or help other people?

Modus Operandi:

This describes who the organization works to reachs its purpose.

Extent of Operation:

In what parts of the campaign world the organization is working? Out of the members homes: 0 points; in one city: 2 point; in one country: 5 points; in one country and all neighbourhood countries:10 points; international, in all major cities: 20 points; in every city: 40 points

Relationship conventional authorties:

Is the organization in legal trouble or gets help from the government. This will give the organization enemies or allies

Base of Operation:

Where is/are the base/s located?

Major Funding:

Who gives the money? This cost 1 CP per $5000/month. A money reserve may also be available, this cost 5 CP per $1,000,000

Known Enemies:

The Enemies of the Organization. Use the normal ememy cost here.

Known Allies:

The allies of the Organization. Use the normal ally costs here. Another organization as ally/enemy is allowed, too.

4.4 Members

Number of active members:

This costs 1/2 points for 30 members build on 0-25 points, 1/2 point for 20 members build on 25-50 points, 1 point for 10 members build on 50-100 pts, 2 for 5 members build on 101-250, 3 points for one member build on 251-500, 4 points for one member build on 501-750, 5 points for one member build on for 751-1000 and 6 for 1001 and up.

Number of reserve members:

reserve members only costs half the active member cost but there is a 50% chance that a reserve member is not available at the moment.

Organizational structure:

This describes who many ranks are there in the organization if any. This does not cost any points. If you want an organization with a structure of 10 ranks, then the leader has to pay 50 points. There should only be one leader.

Membership requirements:

This describes the requirements of the organization for other people to join in, example only males aged 25 and up.

4.5 Technology, Features and Equipment

Level of technology:

This cost 20 points for +1 TL, 50 points for +2 TL and 100 points for +3 TL. Lowered TL: -10 for -1 TL, -25 for -2 TL, -50 for -3 TL


In the next descriptions you must choose one of the options given and sum up the point costs. An option with a higher costs always includes the lower pointed options.





Administrative Control:

Internal Security:

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